We are located at a private airport north of Phelen at the location of the map above.
GPS coordinates for Google Maps directions: 34.56 N 117.60 W
From Highway 18/Palmdale Rd:
Turn north on Sheep Creek Road (approx. 9.5 miles east of Hwy 138 intersection and 10 miles west of Hwy 395).
Proceed north approx 2.5 miles, and at the north end of the “S” turn, turn left (west) onto Rancho Road (dirt road).
Proceed west approximately 1 mile to the wire fence corner on your right at Tanner Rd. Our AVSC sign is on the fence.
Turn right (north) approx 1/4 mile to the gate on your left.
The gate is locked 24/7 for security. Members have keys to the locks. Please phone your host ahead of time to meet you at the gate, or it is a bit of a walk to the clubhouse to get someone to come and unlock the gate.
Once the gate is unlocked, drive in, and stay to the right to avoid the runway. Proceed approx. 300’ directly to our glider tie down area. Under no circumstances may you drive or park on the runway. Parking is just beyond the clubhouse trailer.
From El Mirage Rd:
Turn south on Sheep Creek Road, proceed 3 miles to Rancho Road (dirt) at the beginning of the “S” turn, turn right (west) and proceed as above.
Because this is important we will repeat it : Under no circumstances may you drive or park on the runway.